Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 4 : Kyoto ( North West)

This cover Arashiyama area + Kinkakuji , etc.
*Note : it's worth to get the Kyoto 1 Day Bus Pass , 500 yen for 1 day. Cos most of the places to visit is   more accessible buy buses then trains , though there might be traffic jams at rush hours and human jam to get up the buses on weekends/Holiday seasons. 

Tickets to the Sagano Train can be bought in advace in JR West train windows BUT the open car , 5th carriage , can only be bought on the day itself ( not sure on the spot or same at all JR west Station ) 

Below also attached Kyoto Bus Map

In Case too tired/wish for more Shopping , can end after Kinkakuji and take transport back to Umeda , If you have bought 7 days JR pass , etc , then best to take JR trains

Sagano Train Brochure

Kyoto Bus Maps

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