Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kyushu's Mapcode / Telephone for Self drive trip

Google Map - used for initial planning and also i usually use as backup for Car GPS navigation. I also usually use it for "Walking" in town/city to find specific area / shops.

For self drive , Telephone / Mapcode of the place is very important when using the car GPS navigation. Best to have both as sometimes Phone number might not be updated and also for Parks/Mountain Areas , the phone number might point to the "town council" or something. In this case best to use mapcode , unless the phone number points to shops nearby the location.  Also to note , Mapcode points you to an area rather then a specific places , so when near the place of interest , it's better also to look at road sign , best if you can get mapcode to the parking area of the places you wish to visit. ( different carparks within the area may cost differently and also some requires less walking then others )

Mapcode/Telephone of some of the places went.
Below there are 2 links on how to find your own map code using http://www.mapion.co.jp
**Note : do find all your mapcodes before you set off , cos during my trip , Found out that using mobile devices ( iPhone/ iPad ) it does not work the same way for the site and it doesn't allow me to find mapcodes.

How to get Mapcode Link 1 
How to get Mapcode Link 2 

For certain places , if you do not have address to find the mapcode from the site , what i did was to use google map to locate the places then use it to reference the map on mapion then move the "red cross" on the map to get the mapcode.

Everyone plans and travel differently , so my mapcodes here might not be places you wish to visit , so find your own or for more popular places actually you can just google online as other bloggers might have it on their travel blog.

P/s : sorry though i hope to write this travel blog in English but when doing my "homework " most of the places i still use Chinese/ Japanese.

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