Saturday, August 11, 2018

NZ South Island Motorhome Road trip 2018 Day 12

From Brighton , today we be driving mostly along the coast trying to see more wildlife. We will stop by a few places like Dunedin for petrol and some food top up, then to Sandfly bay ( it really means sand that fly , not the insect sandflies ) , Shag point , Katiki Point lighthouse , Moeraki Boulders Beach and finally to Patti Point for the night. So it's actually quite a few places to visit but no choice as holiday is ending soon so had to try and complete as much as possible. We hope to be able to see seals , sea lions and maybe even the yellow-eyed penguins.
There are many sea lions "sun bathing" under the sun at the beach, do take note that the beach is some distance away from the parking lot and also there is a sandy slope down to the beach which can be quite tiring to climb up. You can get quite close to them but it's wild so still better to keep a distance away. Apparently you can also come here for Yellow-eyed penguins in the morning of evening.

Next we moved on to Shag Point. Did not see much wild life here on the day we visit but it's always good to see the sea. So we just stayed a while and move on. Do take note that the opening hours is from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. there is a path next to the light house that will bring you down to the sea. We saw all we wanted to see here , think the timing was great cos we saw some yellow-eyed penguins coming back from the sea to their nest.
Sun was setting cos we spent quite some time over at Shag Point , next we moved on to Moeraki Boulder Beach.
It's really amazing seeing all these big boulders , some more it kinda of look like century egg inside with the layers as you can see fro the picture above. Also we saw a new white one by the side of the beach. Apparently early morning is best to visit here to see the sunrise but we did not have the time for that.
We park at Patti Point for the night , it's Freedom camping again , tomorrow we will be making our way back to Lake Teakpo as we wanted to explore it during the day and maybe get some night sky pictures.

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