Sunday, August 5, 2018

NZ South Island Motorhome Road trip 2018 Day 6

Had a very good sleep cos was very tired from the hike yesterday. Will be taking the Blue lakes and Tasman Glacier View + Tasman Glacier Lake walk. This two walk is at the same area but will take about 2 hours to complete.
Simple breakfast
Cookie time - a famous cookie shop in New Zealand. They have many flavour and it kinda becomes our hiking booster. We would pack some light snacks and drinks so that we can munch on something in between the walk. 
Lewis road creamery milk - one of my favourite milk while in NZ, they had a lot of flavours. My favourite had to be the caramel and the chocolate one. Their ice cream is a bit BIG for me so i only tried the double caramel one which is a bit too sweet for me. Wanted to try their other selection but they do not sell in smaller serving. Wanted to try their new selection the rose one also but could not find it in any supermarkets :(
Quite a Climb to the Glacier view
The "Blue" Lake
Glacier Lake view
Pictures speaks a thousand word but in New Zealand, I found out the Panorama picture is the way to go cos everywhere you go , you just want to capture as much as possible in that picture.
After the view from the top , we actually walk to the Glacier Lake itself, which to me was a much better view as you can see those glacier much more closer.
Acting Stupid
Next we drop by Twizel again for lunch but it was a sunday so most of the shop is closed , lucky for me found another Fairlie Bakehouse steak pie in one of the Foursquare here.
Fav Fairlie bakehouse pie
Not so nice cafe pie
Gentle reminder b4 moving off
Today we plan to make all the way down to Lake Wanaka so it's going to be a long 2hr 30min drive but we plan to detour to the Clay Cliff near Omarama so we had to add about another 1 hr of driving.
We are the only one here when we reach
Honesty Box
Inside the Clay cliff
By the time we reach Lake Wanaka was already in the evening , this happen to be the time where all the Skiers came back to town. We stop by the town to pick up some groceries and was shocked by the amount of people there. If feels so different from the peaceful Lake Wanaka we came before in 2005. Maybe its the season but maybe also cos of the development over the years, this totally changed our image of Lake Wanaka. Also there are holiday park nearby but we choose Lake Outlet Holiday Park that was like 10+ min drive away. Choose this because saw someone recommend on their blog and also it supposed have a nice Lake View ( but as per normal , it was cloudy the next day.Actually everyday also the same , the sky only clears like during noon time.)
Night sky at the camp site. Fyi , this is the 2nd holiday park we stay, this had a smaller kitchen and no plates/untensils/pot or pan for you to use here, you have to bring your own. Also the dining area is just table and chair in the kitchen.
Video of the clay cliff inner entrance

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